Souls of Steel

Souls of Steel is a game developed by a 7 person team in a 8 weeks timeframe, right at the end of our second year of study.

I was responsible for the (level) Design and Creative Direction of the Game and the planning of the Project. My Fantastic Teammates created the solid code base and the stunning art for the Game.

The goal deals with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and is an asymmetrical, first-person COOP game for two Players, telling a story set in the besieged city of Mariupol.

For all teammates this project was the first one of this size. It proved to be a Learning Experience for all of us. It turns out 8 weeks is not a long timeframe, but can be super stressful.

The whole project was still a lot of fun to complete and I am super thankful to my Teammates for creating something so great with me. We had Good Communication during the whole project and I am especially proud of that factor.

2 Meter Mayhem

2 Meter Mayhem is a game developed by a 6 person team in a 3 weeks timeframe, right at the start of our second year of study.

Me and another Designer came up with the Concept and the Design of the game, while our 2 artists created the funky art style and our 2 engineers coded the gameplay mechanics.

The goal of the game is to collect as many groceries as fast as possible while keeping your social distance. We hope this game helps people visualize social distance and was developed for younger audiences.

Planning was on point during this project, leaving us a whole week to polish everything. We had a great Scope right from the beginning of Development and also had the perfect Team(composition) to pull it off.

Borders of Humanity

Borders of Humanity is a collection of Poetry that Piece by Piece form a complete and complex Story, touching various Subjects of perceived Humanity and the Borders of both the Perception and the Perceived.

The main Essence of this Work is both Hope and Farsight and the Pathway to this Realisation. At the Center of this Book stands the german Poem "Der Sturm".

Borders of Humanity was completed on the 01.11.2022

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Borders of Humanity